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 Dariich is in the house....:):)

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5 posters


Number of posts : 17
Age : 33
Location : Rijeka
Registration date : 04.09.2008

Dariich is in the house....:):) Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Dariich is in the house....:):)   Dariich is in the house....:):) Icon_minitimeThu 4 Sep 2008 - 0:27

Evo ukratko o meni...Smile:

Nick:Dariich, Dare
Iskustvo:Godina, godina i pol sa stankama
Hobi:Bubnjevi, gitara, glazba

To je to...Very Happy:D
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Head Admin

Number of posts : 173
Age : 38
Location : Prijedor
Registration date : 09.03.2008

Dariich is in the house....:):) Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Dariich is in the house....:):)   Dariich is in the house....:):) Icon_minitimeThu 4 Sep 2008 - 1:57

Welcome... Smile
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Urban Guerilla Clan

Number of posts : 163
Age : 34
Location : Banja Luka
Registration date : 09.04.2008

Dariich is in the house....:):) Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Dariich is in the house....:):)   Dariich is in the house....:):) Icon_minitimeThu 4 Sep 2008 - 14:26

poZ kolega :d
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Urban Guerilla Clan

Number of posts : 64
Age : 32
Location : Belgrade xD
Registration date : 04.09.2008

Dariich is in the house....:):) Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Dariich is in the house....:):)   Dariich is in the house....:):) Icon_minitimeThu 4 Sep 2008 - 17:10

PozZ...Gl & Hf Smile Pucamo se na serveru Cool
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Number of posts : 17
Age : 33
Location : Rijeka
Registration date : 04.09.2008

Dariich is in the house....:):) Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Dariich is in the house....:):)   Dariich is in the house....:):) Icon_minitimeThu 4 Sep 2008 - 22:20

Hvala ekipa....SmileSmile
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Server Admin

Number of posts : 44
Age : 33
Location : Đakovo
Registration date : 27.08.2008

Dariich is in the house....:):) Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Dariich is in the house....:):)   Dariich is in the house....:):) Icon_minitimeSun 7 Sep 2008 - 23:08

Evo malo kasnim, ali imaљ pozz i od mene.
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Urban Guerilla Clan

Number of posts : 163
Age : 34
Location : Banja Luka
Registration date : 09.04.2008

Dariich is in the house....:):) Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Dariich is in the house....:):)   Dariich is in the house....:):) Icon_minitimeMon 8 Sep 2008 - 10:24

Very Happy
ovaj i inace kasni Very Happy
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Dariich is in the house....:):) Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Dariich is in the house....:):)   Dariich is in the house....:):) Icon_minitime

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Dariich is in the house....:):)
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